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Wicked - Passion 24


 "Wicked" and its passion"

1. **Emotional Depth**: "Wicked" delves into complex emotions, portraying the passionate desires, struggles, and transformations of its characters. From Elphaba's fierce determination to defy societal norms to Glinda's journey from superficiality to compassion, the musical explores a wide range of passionate feelings.

2. **Romantic Dynamics**: The romantic relationships in "Wicked" are filled with passion, from the unrequited love between Elphaba and Fiyero to the complicated friendship-turned-romance between Glinda and Fiyero. These relationships ignite intense emotions, driving the characters' actions and decisions throughout the story.

3. **Political and Social Commentary**: Beneath its fantastical surface, "Wicked" also addresses passionate themes of power, injustice, and discrimination. Elphaba's fervent activism against the oppressive regime of the Wizard and the discrimination faced by those who are different fuel the narrative with a sense of urgency and passion for change.

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