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» » » » » Item of Interest: NICHD Leads Summer Workshops on Women’s Health


Item of Interest: NICHD Leads Summer Workshops on Women’s Health

The month of May 2024 includes notable women’s health-related observances, including Women’s Health Month, National Women’s Health Week, Preeclampsia Awareness Month, and Menstrual Hygiene Day. NICHD has a more than 60-year history of leading and supporting research on women’s health.

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As May concludes, we invite you to continue prioritizing health topics that are unique to women. In June and July, NICHD is co-hosting several workshops and virtual meetings. Please consider registering to participate in discussions and to help shape future research and care.

Workshop on Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS): Present and Future

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PAS, a condition when the placenta fails to detach from the uterine wall during delivery, poses a serious risk of morbidity and mortality for pregnant individuals. Timely and accurate diagnosis of PAS, along with effective management strategies such as determining the right time for delivery, preoperative planning, intraoperative approach, and postoperative care, are essential steps to improve maternal outcomes. This workshop convenes experts, health care providers, and stakeholders, including representatives from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, the Pan-American Society for the Placenta Accreta Spectrum, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology, and the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, to collaborate on shaping future research in the field of PAS.

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