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» »Unlabelled » 3 times you should absolutely skip your workout according to a PT


3 times you should absolutely skip your workout according to a PT

There's no feeling quite like smashing a workout and skipping out of the studio feeling energised and accomplished. But any regular exerciser will know there are also times when you'd rather do anything but work out.
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If you're in the second camp today, you might be interested to know that there are times when you genuinely should skip your workout. No, not because you can't be bothered, these are legitimate reasons a personal trainer might want you to stay away from the gym…

When to avoid exercise

There are times we should avoid exercises 

Exercising in general is incredibly beneficial," says Fitness First personal trainer James Barr. "It can help us become fitter and healthier, plus it can help with our mental health and overall wellbeing. However, there are certain times where you shouldn’t work out or should look to take things a bit easier…"

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1. When you’re tired

"It can be extremely tough to avoid working out when you're tired, especially if exercise is your way to relieve stress after a tough day at work, however, it’s incredibly important to listen to your body and not exercise when you’re extremely tired.

Working on when you're tired creates an increased risk of injury because fatigue can impair balance and coordination making it harder to perform moves properly.

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"If you're tired, you'll likely see reduced performance," James adds. "When you’re tired, your energy levels and muscle strength are diminished, meaning you may feel sluggish during your workout and not be able to perform at your peak performance."

Avoid exercise when you're tired

James cautions that tiredness can lead to poor form, too. "Tiredness can lead to sloppy technique, increasing the risk of injury," he says.

2. When you’re injured

"This is the most important time to rest your body," says James.

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Though it can be tempting to try and work through an injury, exercising when injured can lead to delayed recovery could even worsen the injury," James says.

Knowing when it's time to rest is crucial

In fact, working out when injured could potentially lead to compensation injuries, which is when one part of your body is injured, you subconsciously alter your movement patterns to compensate for the pain or weakness. This compensation can put undue stress on other parts of your body, leading to new injuries.

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"Depending on how bad and where the injury is, it may be a good idea to look at incorporating yoga into your fitness regime, especially if you want to stay active with something low intensity.

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