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Apple doubles down on artificial intelligence, announcing partnership with OpenAI


Apple doubles down on artificial intelligence, announcing partnership with OpenAI

OpenAI will be integrated into Apple’s digital assistant Siri, Apple software chief Craig Federighi said during the conference. That would allow people to ask for help with things like recipe ideas, room decorations or composing a story, Federighi said.(1


“Suppose you want to create a custom bedtime story for your six-year-old who loves butterflies and solving riddles,” Federighi said. “Put in your initial idea, and send to ChatGPT.”(12)

The announcement comes as AI has experienced explosive growth, and some embarrassing setbacks. Chatbots and AI assistants have been beset with issues including hallucinations, plagiarism and incorrect or biased results. OpenAI itself has been embroiled in allegations of copying actor Scartlett Johansson’s voice without her permission.

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Apple is also at the center of an antitrust lawsuit filed by the Justice Department and 15 states. The government accuses Apple of abusing its power as a monopoly to push out rivals and keep customers using its products. It’s unclear how Apple’s new partnership with OpenAI could play into this case.

Shortly after Apple’s announcement, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, “very happy to be partnering with apple to integrate chatgpt into their devices later this year! think you will really like it.”

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Apple is also rolling out what it calls Apple Intelligence, its term for Apple's own new generative AI software.

Apple Intelligence will enable transcription for phone calls, AI photo retouching and improvements in the natural conversation flow with Siri, the company said. The software can also be used to summarize notifications and text messages, as well as articles, documents and open web pages.

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Federighi placed an emphasis on privacy, with a new system called Private Cloud Compute that he said will ensure data security for users.

Apple says the new features will be released later this year.


Jujutsu Kaisen Just Proved to Be the Most Influential Modern Manga with Three New Shonen Jump Series


Jujutsu Kaisen Just Proved to Be the Most Influential Modern Manga with Three New Shonen Jump Series

Dr Michael Mosley obituary


Dr Michael Mosley obituary

Dr Michael Mosley, who has died aged 67 on the Greek island of Symi, explored health and fitness issues of interest to big audiences. He was a versatile communicator, whether as television diet guru, newspaper columnist or podcaster.

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He became a household name for diet books promoting calorie reduction and fasting, including The Fast Diet (2013), written with the journalist Mimi Spencer. His work gained in popularity from his self-experimentation, which included swallowing tapeworms, magic mushrooms, internal cameras and – most famously – fasting to cure his own type 2 diabetes, diagnosed in 2012. He became a well known TV and radio celebrity medic, regularly appearing on The One Show for the BBC and This Morning for ITV. On BBC Radio 4’s Just One Thing podcast he offered health tips to the nation, from the benefits of daily spoonfuls of olive oil to the usefulness of the plank position.



Yet his own medical career was brief. Mosley, who studied philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) at New College, Oxford, trained in medicine at the Royal Free hospital, north London, after two years of working as a banker. He wanted to become a psychiatrist, saying that he found people more interesting than finance, but was disappointed to find that “there were severe limitations to what you could do”, he told the British Medical Journal in 2004.


He opted instead to exert influence through the medium of television, joining the BBC training scheme as an assistant producer in 1985, and going on to produce documentaries based mostly in science, mathematics and history.

His most glorious moment arguably came with the Horizon programme Ulcer Wars, which he made in 1994 about the work of Barry Marshall of the University of Western Australia, who was convinced that the bacteria he had identified called Helicobacter pylori was responsible for most gastric cancers and ulcers.

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The story appealed to Mosley and inspired his own self-experimentation: Marshall had drunk a solution of H pylori from a beaker in the 1980s and his stomach had been colonised by the bacteria, which disappeared when he took antibiotics.

Marshall was right and later, with his colleague Robin Warren, won a Nobel prize. Mosley received more than 20,000 letters from people cured of their ulcer pain by antibiotics. The film brought him awards. “I probably did, in a funny way, more good with that one programme than if I had stayed in medicine for 30 years,” said Mosley in the BMJ.

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In 2002, Mosley was nominated for an Emmy as executive producer on the documentary featuring John Cleese, The Human Face. In 2013, he began to host the series Trust Me, I’m a Doctor for the BBC. His most recent TV series were for Channel 4: Who Made Britain Fat? (2022) and Secrets of Your Big Shop (2024).

The Fast Diet book, which launched the 5:2 diet, also came out of a Horizon documentary. Eat, Fast and Live Longer (2012) was inspired by Mosley’s own diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, which is linked to excess weight. The disease ran in the family. His father, Bill, had died of the complications at the age of 74. Mosley came across the American neuroscientist Mark Mattson’s work on intermittent fasting, and adopted the pattern he advocated of normal eating for five days and consumption of just 500-600 calories on the other two.

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He claimed to have lost 20lbs and reversed his own type 2 diabetes. Mattson appeared in the documentary, which is credited with popularising the 5:2 diet. In 2021, Mosley published The Fast 800 Keto, which combines fasting with a ketogenic diet, high in fat and low in carbohydrates, but in its later stages allows carbohydrates back in.

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Mosley’s diet work was controversial because of its focus on calorie reduction to lose weight. In 2021, the eating disorder charity Beat said of his Channel 4 series Lose a Stone in 21 Days that “the programme caused enough stress and anxiety to our beneficiaries that we extended our helpline hours to support anyone affected and received 51% more contact during that time”.

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He said he had suffered from chronic insomnia from his late 30s. That became the subject of another BBC documentary and also a book published in 2019, called.


Cómo votar en las elecciones de la UE en España


Cómo votar en las elecciones de la UE en España

Para que los ciudadanos ejerzan su derecho al voto tienen que acudir a una  de las aproximadamente 70.000 urnas distribuidas en más de 22.500 colegios electorales en España.  Cualquier ciudadano español de más de 18 años, con su documentación en regla (DNI actualizado y empadronado correctamente), puede acudir hoy a votar.

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Los colegios se han abierto a las 9 de la mañana para que casi 38 millones de electores decidan los 61 eurodiputados de la circunscripción española, salvo las ubicadas en Canarias, que abren una hora más tarde.

Durante once horas, hasta las 20:00, podrán acudir a las urnas las 38.087.379 personas con derecho a voto en estas elecciones europeas, que son unas 600.000 más que en las elecciones generales de julio del año pasado y 800.000 más que en las anteriores al Europarlamento, que fueron en  el2019.

Para identifarse hay que mostrar el DNI y que las personas que están en la mesa comprueben que el ciudadano está en la urna que le corresponde, que varia en función del domicilio.



Previamente, los ciudadanos y ciudadanas han recibido una notificación en su domicilio procedente de la Oficina del Censo Electoral en la que figuran datos personales, como fecha de nacimiento, DNI, municipio, así como el local electoral donde le corresponde votar (normalmente colegios públicos), el distrito, la sección y la mesa.  

A las 10:30 horas se ha ofrecido la primera rueda de prensa del secretario de Estado de Comunicación, Francesc Vallès, y de la subsecretaria del Interior, Susana Crisóstomo, para informar sobre el inicio de la jornada electoral y la constitución de las mesas, que son más de 58.500.


Más tarde, a las 14:30, informarán del avance de participación y a las 18:30 comparecerán de nuevo para ofrecer un segundo avance de participación.

Hasta las 23:00 horas no se conocerán los primeros resultados provisionales, ya que no se podrán dar datos hasta que cierren todas las urnas en la Unión Europea y los colegios electorales italianos estarán abiertos hasta esa hora.

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Serán la ministra portavoz del Gobierno, Pilar Alegría, y el ministro del Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, quienes comparezcan a las once de esta noche para ofrecer los resultados provisionales de estas elecciones y el reparto de los 61 escaños.


Une femme blessée par une rondelle de hockey il y a 10 ans recevra plus d’un million $


Une femme blessée par une rondelle de hockey il y a 10 ans recevra plus d’un million $

Une femme blessée par une rondelle lors d’un match de hockey sur patins à roues alignées il y a 10 ans, à Langford, sur l’île de Vancouver, devra recevoir plus d’un million de dollars, selon la Cour d’appel de la Colombie-Britannique.

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Sherry Lynn Matthews avait poursuivi la Ville de Langford, l'exploitant de l’aréna dans lequel avait eu lieu le match et l’équipe de hockey locale. La décision de justice avait ensuite fait l'objet d'un appel, les défendeurs arguant que le montant versé était disproportionné par rapport aux blessures et aux salaires de Sherry Lynn Matthews.

Mais jeudi, la Cour d'appel de la Colombie-Britannique a accepté à l'unanimité de rejeter l'appel.

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Nous nous réjouissons de la décision de la Cour d'appel de la Colombie-Britannique, qui marque la fin d'une longue saga juridique pour Mme Matthews, commentait son avocat, Keith SchilleLa décision reconnaît à juste titre les blessures et les pertes profondes subies par Mme Matthews au cours de la dernière décennie.

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En 2014, Sherry Lynn Matthews était assise dans les gradins et regardait son fils jouer à un match hockey sur patins à roues alignées lorsqu'un palet est passé à travers le filet de sécurité. La femme, âgée de 60 ans au moment des faits, a été touchée à l'œil droit, apprenait-on lors du jugement de l’affaire, en 2023, devant la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique.

Dans les jours qui ont suivi, Sherry Lynn Matthews a eu des nausées, des maux de tête et une sensibilité à la lumière, selon les dossiers du tribunal.

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Des experts médicaux ont déclaré qu'elle avait subi un traumatisme craniocérébral léger, entraînant un trouble neurocognitif et d'autres problèmes de santé.

Sa famille et un ancien collègue ont également déclaré que sa personnalité avait changé après l'incident.

Plus d'emploi depuis 2 ans

Ne s’estimant plus compétente dans son emploi, Sherry Lynn Matthews aurait décidé de le quitter en 2019. Elle a ensuite travaillé à temps partiel comme fleuriste, mais ne travaille plus depuis 2 ans, selon les documents de justice.

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L’ancien directeur du développement des entreprises de la société dans laquelle Sherry Lynn Matthews a travaillé a mentionné devant le tribunal que cette dernière avait une carrière très prometteuse en tant que représentante commerciale.

Un jury a accordé à Mme Matthews 1,05 million de dollars, dont 804 000 dollars au titre de la perte de capacité de gain, et 175 000 dollars au titre des douleurs et des souffrances.

La Ville de Langford et les autres parties poursuivies ont contesté ces deux paiements spécifiques, affirmant que l'indemnité pour perte de salaire ne correspondait pas à ses revenus antérieurs et que l'autre paiement n'était pas proportionnel à la situation de Sherry Lynn Matthews.

La ville de Langford et les autres parties poursuivies n'ont pas répondu aux demandes de commentaires